Who Can Be a Vendor Partner Member?
Vendor Partner membership in the National School Transportation Association (NSTA) is open to businesses and organizations that support school transportation operations in providing goods/services/consulting directly to school bus operators. As a Vendor Partner member, throughout the year, there are many opportunities for you to demonstrate directly to decision-makers within student transportation, the benefits of what provide in this very competitive space. First and foremost, NSTA delivers to you opportunities to connect with principals of private school bus operators from around the country. We have face-to-face networking opportunities at our live events, as well as advertisements in our monthly e-newsletter (NSTA-64).
For our best supporters, we will provide you an opportunity to be a guest on the iconic NSTA: The Bus Stop weekly podcast. Throughout the year, you may be asked to present on one of NSTA FLASH Webinars or at a professional development session at one of our live events. Our Vendor Partner/OEM Speed Networking is the talk of the student transportation community, so why risk missing out on this exclusive opportunity.
Need to know more? Give us a call at 703-684-3200 or email info@yellowbuses.org, and a member of our staff will be happy to walk you through the benefits of becoming an NSTA Vendor Partner Member.